Friday 23 February 2018

Congratulations to Josh!

Congratulations to Josh who was awarded a prize from the Selwyn Library today at assembly. Josh had to read 20 books over the summer to get into the grand prize draw - but Josh read 25!!!
Check out Josh trying out his prize - a brand new office chair!

Super Science!

Yesterday we spent some time looking at the scientific principle of Inertia. Inertia is the idea that an object that is not moving will stay at rest until some force makes it move. We added the words "Force" and "Inertia" to our science wall.
Rachel also told us about Sir Isaac Newton. If you would like to learn something about Sir Isaac Newton come check out the science wall in Rakiura.
Here are some photos of us looking at inertia in action using eggs.

Look What The Cat Dragged In!

Last week Grace brought in a frog that her cat had caught. Grace rescued the frog from her cat and she then released it into the wild. Thanks for bringing it in to show us Grace!

Thursday 22 February 2018

Mathletics and Digital Citizenship

Today we will be entering the world of Mathletics! Click the link below to easily get to the site:


You will also have the opportunity to explore Interland - a place that will teach you about being internet awesome!

Interland - a magical place!